Take your style vitamins!

When i see something orange, fruits and vitamins come to my mind. 
Lately i see many orange bags and even if orange had never been favorite color for me, i've changed my mind, since i discovered that trend. 

 The orange bag, believe it or not, is the new tote-safe bag. Here are some reasons why:
-An orange bag gives a color splash in a solid color outfit. 
-The orange bag is all weather. 
- Are you wearing colorful prints? An orange bag is going to take off your outfit (see the photos above).
-Orange goes great with blue, taba, white, pink, purple, beige and many other colors.

How do you feel about that trend? Are you going to follow it? 
Wanna get it a step further? 
Buy my new ethnic style orange statement necklace, for an absolutelly impressive outfit. 
Find it here.
P.s. Don't forget your style vitamins! Put something orange on you!

Leather skirt for curvy girls

Leather has been a big trend for the last 3 years. 
Recently i made a small research on stores and i was really surprised when i discover leather skirts and pants in plus size clothing. 
Till now, i couldn't even think of myself in a leather skirt, till last week that i fall in love with a Bettina leather skirt. 
Maybe it's not the easiest piece, but there are some do's and don'ts that are going to help you.

- Opac tights
-Total black
-Apple body type
-Nude high heels

-Skinny skirt
-High waisted skirt
-Bars heels
-Short skirt

Week in pics - insta me

>>Selfie with friends<<
 >>New creations<<
 >>Trying hats<<
 >>Jewellery excibition<<

 >>New in my closet<<

 >>Eating lemon cream<<
Wanna see your pics here, just add the #styleenmiopinion hashtag on your insta pics. 
Hope to see you soon! 
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