Atlantis: a special bookstore at Santorini

Recently i had a mini business trip at one of the most beautiful islands in Greece. 
Actually it's the second time that i'm visiting Santorini, but every time keeps surprising me positively. 

So this time i discovered Atlantis. One of the most interesting bookstores i've ever been. 
Atlantis is a very famous bookstore cause of it's rare versions, as also cause most of books are in English and Swedish. 

So whille i was searching the right books, i realized that the owner had convert the bookstore in his own home, as there is a bed in the centre of the room. There is also a small kitchen and a small stair that drives in a beautiful terrace.
I found his idea smart and beautiful, cause there's no better home than what you really love. 

Of course i couldn't leave without buying some books, 
so here are my new babies!

If you're planning a trip at Santorini, i would surelly recommend you to visit Atlantis. 
If not, you can still visit the site:


  1. This is so book shops. I must see visit here one day :))) xx

  2. Nel would love this book store, Sophie. She is such a book lover. Santorini looks like a lovely place to visit. Oh, Greece itself is a lovely place to visit.



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